Most of us have made resolutions to change our lives at one time or another. How many of them really had lasting results? And how disappointing it is to try, try, try and somehow not reach the mark we set for ourselves.

Is there some way to look at this personal change process differently? I think so. Try these as points to consider:

• How long did it take me to develop this habit or behavior I'm trying to change? Why do I think I can change it to something different overnight? (Recognizing that we do have to change life and health-threatening areas immediately.)

• Most of us set our goals too high in personal change. Much better results can be had from small, incremental achievements which allow us to experience some satisfaction from actual change occurring rather than failure after a few days or hours.

• Just because someone else could do an incredible change overnight, that doesn't mean I can. We all have our own ways of being and developing.

• A good friend or family member can act as a sounding board for your proposed changes. "What do you think about my idea to change _________? Does it sound reasonable? How would you suggest I approach it?"

• Reward yourself when you get it right. Most of us tend to spend alot of time beating up on ourselves for our shortcomings. A reasonable amount of this is OK, if balanced by recognition and reward for the times we get it right.

Try to learn to see change and improvement as a lifelong process. We all are trying to get better in our personal lives. If we can take care of one thing at a time, get it right and keep moving on, we'll become the person we want to be.

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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